Kilcullen Town Hall & Heritage Co Ltd.
The Kilcullen Town Hall & Heritage Co Ltd is managed by a Board comprised of representatives of the Drama Group, Camphill Community, Tidy Towns Organization, Heritage Group and Lions Club.The aim of the Board is to ensure that the facility is used to the maximum benefit of the local community and, where possible, the wider community of all peoples. This is not just a grandiose aspiration. Events in the hall over the past few years provide clear evidence of a real commitment to achieving our aim.
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The Stage entrance of Kilcullen Town Hall |
At a local level we strive to encourage unity in our community, also an understanding of our interdependence, through education, provided in such diverse ways as:
- Entertainment
- Promotion of charitable enterprises
- Creation of an awareness of our history and traditions
- Encouragement of the creative impulse
- Recognition of special people in our community
- The consideration of the idea that there may be something beyond, and more important than, our ordinary day to day experience of life.
1. Entertainment
The Drama Group has always striven to be more than a group of would-be actors indulging their passion for play-acting. Their clear objective has always been to provide a focus for the community, a place where we can come together to entertain one another, to meet old friends, to make new acquaintances, to proclaim our oneness and our commitment to each other.
2. Charitable Enterprises
In recent times the Town Hall has been used to promote
- Kildare Societyfor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2) Awareness of Alzheimer's Disease
- Local GAA & Soccer Clubs
- Solas Youth Cafe
- Senior Citizens Assoc (6) Barrettstown Gang
- Lions Club "Feather" Project (8) The Hospice Organization
- Scouts Group and many others.
• Launch of Dick Jeffers Book "A Harvest of Memories"
• Launch of Michael McGinleys Book "The La Touche Family in Ireland
• Dr. Sue Johnson's, George Washington University, Talk on new Geophysical surveys at DunAilinne
• Pastor Dunlop's talk on John Ruskin & Rose La Touche
• Heritage Week Seminars
=> 2003 - Centenary of Gordon Bennett Motor Race
=> 2004 - The Burrows of Gilltown -
A History Involving the next Generation
=> 2005 - Dun Ailinne - Royal Site of Leinster
=> 2006 - Three talks by local residents on their memories
=> 2007 - Reeling in the Capers
4. Encouragement of the Creative Impulse
• Writer's Workshops • Local Talent Shows
• School Concerts • Photographic Exhibition
• Tom Crean • David Norris
5. Recognition of Special People
• Community Awards Night .
• Presentations to VIPs (Voluntarily Involved People)
6. The Consideration that there may be something beyond our Ordinary Experience of day to day life.
All the above mentioned events are influenced, to a considerable extent, by the notion that there is something more than what we humanly know.
There are many other events in the Town Hall,. that are not included in the above, of real importance, The School Concerts, The Camphill Community's celebrations of Christian Festivals, Various Children's Shows, Resident Association Meetings, The Kilcullen Community Associations various events, Presentation by Kildare County Council, etc.
The Town hall plays a vital role in the life of the Community of Kilcullen. It is funded by charges made on the various groups who use it. However, it is important to state that these charges are always tailored to the ability of any particular group to pay and nobody is excluded because of lack of finance.