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Carol-singing from pub to pub to raise funds for charity |
The Kilcullen Drama Group has always been about more then just putting on plays for the entertainment of the people of Kilcullen, although this has been an important aspect of it's work. It has also not tried to create momentous achievements in outstanding artistic theatrical performance, although some of us in moments of grandeur like to think that we have on occasion achieved that. It has also not exclusively been a group of best buddies having a good time together, although most of us are good friends and have very strong bonds.
No the real achievement of the Drama Group has been to provide a forum where both audience and cast, back stage crew and front of house, have been able to experience themselves as a part of a overspanning whole, a bond that is created when people enjoy themselves and have fun together, when we also accompany each other through difficult times and hardship.
Community is precious. It is something that isn't bankable. But it pays huge dividends. The Drama Group has been privileged to facilitate such moments. The relationship of those that come to see the plays and those that bring them about is not about creators or consumers of entertainment but of a sense of belonging and sharing.
As long as this experience is present we have maybe achieved what we are really setting out to do.
And by the way - the interest generated is bankable and this has allowed Kilcullen Drama Group not only to maintain and heat and improve the facilities of The Kilcullen Town Hall, but also to support fellow initiatives that are working for the benefit of the wider community.
To this effect Kilcullen Drama Group has donated the following to other charitable community groups and projects:
Charity First Nights for Drama Group
Each group to sell at least 50 tickets
Spring 2011 Fr Dan Noud's work in Tanzania. €1350.00
Winter 2010 KARE €500.00
Spring 2010 Halverstown National School €1200.00
Winter 2009 Kilcullen Playground €1200.00
Winter 2009 CPC Parent's Assoc Transition €1000.00
Spring 2009 Kilcullen GAA - €1200.00
April 2009 Society of Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals - Donated €600.00
Winter 2008 Kilcullen Graveyard €600.00
Spring 2008 Solus Youth Cafe €1200.00
Winter 2007 Brannockstown National School €1000.00
Spring 2007 Senior Citizens €1200.00
Winter 2006 Kilcullen Lions Club (re SAD) €1200.00
Spring 2006 Kilcullen Scouts €1500.00
Winter 2005 Kilcullen Soccer Club €1500.00
Spring 2005 Scoll Bhride €660.00
Spring 2005 Naas Newbridge Soroptomist €1500.00
Winter 2004 Parish Funds €2000.00
Spring 2004 Special Olympics €1000.00
Winter 2002 Special Olympics €1620.20
Spring 2001 Kilcullen Homeless Awareness €1000.00
TOTAL as of May 2011 €22,430.20